Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | January 8, 2009
Home : Letters
LETTER OF THE DAY - A prescription for disaster

The Editor, Sir:

Congratulations on your very forceful and factual editorial in Wednesday's Gleaner, which deplores the fact that Israel seems to have forgotten the horrendous crimes committed against Jews prior to and during WWII in its disgraceful treatment of the Palestinian people.

Any criticism of Israeli action is, apparently, strictly verboten in the USA. Yet, I believe that de facto censorship, ostensibly intended to support Israel, effectively and ultimately threatens the very survival of that state. The free interchange of ideas, opinions and criticism that are the true benefits of a free press, and that promote the introduction and consideration of new ideas and differing points of view, to the ultimate benefit of humanity, are effectively stifled.

Effective criticism

Thus, Israel has continued on the same destructive paths in its relations with its Arab neighbours, unimpeded by effective criticism from the US, since the foundation of the state of Israel, some 60 years ago. The result has been a repetitive series of wars with its neighbours that only serve to rub salt into old wounds and to up the technological stakes to a point where nuclear conflict becomes a clear and predictable danger. It does not take the proverbial rocket scientist (nuclear) to foresee that unless Israel and its neighbours can make effective peace, and soon, the ultimate, predictable and inevitable disaster will come to pass.


Compounding the tragedy is the possibility that the first strike may not take place in or against Israel or any of its neighbours, but against one of those nations that are perceived as blindly supporting Israel in its subjugation of the Arab peoples. The best support that the USA and Britain can give to Israel, to ensure its continued prosperity and survival, may be to adopt the much-dreamed-of, much-discussed, but always elusive 'Even-Handed Policies' vis-a-vis Israel and its Arab neighbours. Hopefully, the Obama administration will, at long last, inject some much-needed common sense into this very sad and tragic equation.

Obviously, Israel's Arab neighbours are not, and have not been, without fault in this bloody history. Change, compromise and common sense are required from both sides to achieve any form of lasting peace. The hard-headed view that 'God is on our side only!', seemingly held by both sides, is, of course, a prescription for disaster.

Working together, Israel and its Arab neighbours could make the deserts bloom for all nations concerned, instead of their continually being stained with the blood of men, women and children.

I am, etc.,



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