In a release to the press Friday, Gibson denied he bribed any public official in order to obtain government contracts during the period his company, Deryck A. Gibson Limited, acted as an agent on behalf of the accused UK bridge builders, Mabey and Johnson Limited.
Gibson is also disclaiming reports in the local and international press that a civil case involving his company, Mabey and Johnson and two of its former employees following the termination of his relationship with Mabey and Johnson in December 2005 was connected to allegations of bribery.
Case resolved
The case was resolved in December 2008.
He also denies that the investigation being conducted by Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is related to issues raised in the civil case.
"For completeness, Mr Gibson also states that Deryck Gibson Limited received no payment from the Government of Jamaica, and at all times its commission was a matter negotiated with and paid by its principal Mabey and Johnson Limited," he said in the release.
The Major Investigation Task Force which is probing the allegations locally, has asked the Office of the Contractor General to also launch an investigation.
Gibson told The Gleaner that he would be cooperating with the OCG if he was asked to assist in its investigations.
He also said he was willing to cooperate with the SFO in its probe in the matter. An interview with him is to be scheduled when the investigators return to the island.