The Editor, Sir:
Unemployment and the absence of economic release valves are going to lead to major social unrest, or even something worse and our leaders are apparently bankrupt of ideas as to how to even approach this situation.
We continue with the formula that got us into this economic mess in the first place, of borrowing more and producing less. The real structural adjustment that black people ought to make is mental rather than economic. The majority of us still have the messianic culture whereby someone, hopefully the great white God, is going to come from somewhere and make it good. To those I say, long may you suffer.
I think we are coming to an unprecedented crossroad where unemployment is going to be extremely high and the release valve of mass migration is at an end. No Panama, Costa Rica, Cuba, UK, USA, Canada, etc. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.
Who is calculating the social cost of redundancies? The redundancy of one, probably has a multiplier effect of four and there is no social security backup.
The older Bob Andy's 'Fire burning' becomes, the more current it seems.
No one but ourselves can free our minds.
I am, etc.,
Kingston 20