Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | January 19, 2009
Home : Flair
10 things you must take to Jazz!

If you haven't heard there's a little event called the Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival scheduled for later this week in Montego Bay.

So if you'll be there, here are 10 things you should take to make your festival experience 100 per cent pleasant.

✓ A portable chair: Your legs may become tired.

✓ A beach towel/blanket: You may feel more comfy lying or sitting on the grass.

✓ Mints: You'll be joyfully screaming soooo much, you're bound to get a sore throat.

✓ Cellphone: But only to call a cab or your ride when the night's activities are done or you've had enough.

✓ Pocket cameras: You've got to upload the photos of you and your friends to Facebook afterwards, right?

✓ Hoodie/shawl/pashmina: It can get a little nippy under the stars.

✓ Comfy shoes: Can't be wincing while you're trying to enjoy yourself.

✓ Small, sporty wrist clutch: To keep your little odds and ends in.

✓ A small bite: Maybe a biscuit in your pouch in case you have no money left after paying for room and tickets!

✓ And, most important, someone special to enjoy it with.

And DO NOT bring:

✗ Weapons - goes without saying

✗ Narcotics - ditto

✗ Coolers - buy the full meals and drinks inside the venue.

This cute red hoodie could come in handy as the temperature gets much colder than many Jamaicans are used to.

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