Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Friday | January 23, 2009
Home : Commentary

  • Inappropriate use of flag

    I wish that you would do us and the nation a public service by informing our wonderful, exuberant Jamaican population of the appropriate use of the Jamaican flag when they are in a foreign country.

    Case in point: During the 2008 US presidential election campaign, there were some very joyous individuals, presumably Jamaicans, waving Jamaican flags amid the sea of American flags. Although the intent seems obvious to us, to many Americans it is a sign of disrespect. This is a US domestic event, not the Olympics. What might be more acceptable is to wave the American flag, along with the Jamaican flag.

    We all saw a few people waving their black, green and gold at the inauguration of President Barack Obama. The basic rule is, if you hoist a foreign flag, there should be an accompanying flag of that nation that is bigger and hoisted higher and to the right of the foreign flag. Let everything be done in order.

    - L. Spence, lewp6@aol.com

  • Well done, Pastor Dick

    My sincere compliments to Pastor Dick. Your ideas about the so-called prophecies are not new but they cannot be said too often. In the same way that age-old Ponzi schemes can make fools of otherwise intelligent and informed people, so can charlatans and mouthpieces mislead those who trust their recitations more than they credit their own common sense.

    A good look at President Obama's route to success is far more informative than some of the stuff uttered by our so-called religious leaders. There is really no easy way and if there appears to be, just beware.

    Treat so-called 'prophecies' as humorous and unimportant interludes often uttered for the same reason that infants cry - for attention.

    - Francis Blackman, brewsir@hotmail.com, Coral Springs, Florida

  • Welcome courage from Baugh

    Jamaica's bold position on Israel's military's disproportionate response in Gaza is noted for the moral and ethical standards it establishes. This was implemented apparently without regard to politics and economics.

    Courage is what is demanded of our leaders, and Ken Baugh's leadership is acknowledged.

    The security of our nation, Jamaica, and, by extension, the collective security of this world, requires a commitment to truth - and its defence - in our unrelenting pursuit of global justice. It is imperative that we choose sides in this struggle of good over evil.

    - Ras Mannaham Makkabee, wintispence@yahoo, Montclair, New Jersey

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