When are our politicians going to learn? Didn't they learn anything from the United States of American and the way in which they are moving forward? The name-calling and constant fighting that is currently taking place is quite disappointing.
I am deeply distressed that this is taking place at a time when the country is facing a severe crisis, a time when we should be working as one, forgetting about partisanship; a time when we should be generating creative ideas and planning how we are going to combat high unemployment, lack of security and a looming economic crisis, and here we are wasting time that should be spent being productive in transforming this nation.
Looking for gov't to lead
As a citizen, I am not looking for the Government to solve all our problems or challenges but I'm looking for my government to lead, to inspire and to take action. There is no better time than now. The people are waiting - for both the opposition and ruling party to lead. That's what we expect of you all. Inspire the nation. Our expectations of our leaders have changed; we expect only greatness.
So Simpson Miller, no more drawing of the tongue will be done; and Golding, no more empty promises. We are moving forward.
I am, etc.,
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