Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | January 26, 2009
Home : Business
Rice-growing experiment completed
The Government is making plans to update the nation this week as to the progress of a rice experiment initiative being conducted in the island.

Agriculture Minister Dr Christopher Tufton told The Gleaner that seven varieties of rice were planted to ascertain the best crop for the country's environment.

"We have now done the experiment; in another week, we will invite the media to tour the facility," Tufton said.

Last June, cultivation of some seven varieties of rice started on 20 acres of lands in St Catherine and St Elizabeth.

Big investment

Jamaica, with the backing of private-sector interests, will put 6,000 acres into rice production, a plan that calls for investments of about $300 million.

Private entities, such as Jamaica Broilers, offered an initial investment of $5 million for the cultivation of rice in the island.

"We are likely to take a decision on which variety of rice to be grown and where it will be grown in the near future," Tufton said.

If the experiment is successful, the country's main staple may be cultivated in areas such as Elim, St Elizabeth and George's Plain and Meylersfield in Westmoreland.

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