Like it or not, the holidays take a toll on your body, which can leave you susceptible to infections such as the common cold. However, getting healthy is easier than you think.
Boosting easy
No matter how hectic your life, boosting your immune and digestive systems for 2009 is as easy as taking a probiotic multivitamin.
Probiotics are the natural 'friendly' bacteria that are found naturally in our digestive system. We are home to billions of 'friendly' bacteria, which play an important role in keeping us fit, healthy and full of energy, by supporting and strengthening our immune system.
Unlike ordinary multivitamins, Multibionta is the first clinically proven probiotic multivitamin. Each tablet provides a unique blend of 10 million probiotic cultures combined with 100 per cent recommended daily allowance of 23 different vitamins and minerals. It is also the only probiotic multivitamin with a gastro-protective coating, which ensures the probiotic cultures survive the long journey into the intestines where they are most needed.
So as you look to build a healthier lifestyle in 2009, why not try Multibionta Probiotic Multivitamin and give yourself a boost from the inside out.
Looking for a New Year's resolution?
Get active! Exercise will not only keep your body in shape but will also give your energy levels a boost.
Eat a balanced diet, including at least five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables each day.
Drink more water. To stay hydrated, try drinking at least two litres of water throughout the day.
Relax more. Fill your personal time with enjoyable activities.
Get healthy from the inside out by topping up your probiotic levels with a daily probiotic multivitamin.