Since you are so sure that there is a way to set up a system where teachers can be paid based on the performance of our students why don't you give us a practical example? Are you willing to come into schools and be the first to be paid based on your performance? Well?
And you claim that one is whimpering. Is there any way you can make the tone of your message less disrespectful? If when students leave primary schools they cannot read or write, what system of performance-based pay do you suggest one implements in the secondary schools? Have you spoken of the so-called Reform of Secondary Education? Have you spoken of the former JAMAL? What really happened to those and what are they up to now? What about the Government spending so much on unnecessary things? What about that? Why has our salary increase drawn so much of your attention? Or is it that this is the only topic where much attention is drawn to you? Maybe you were treated badly by your teacher.
Other taxpayers
Please remember that teachers pay taxes too! And what about those other people who have got their increases, such as the politicians? Should they not be held accountable to me too, since I am a taxpayer? Why have you not written several articles on them too?
When you are ready to be serious, contact me! I have been holding myself accountable. I do not waste my students' time. They do that on their own. I do not disrespect them. They do that to me. If they do not revise, what can I do? Force them to do it? Tell me, please.
I still suggest that you and your team go and teach in a non-traditional high school. If only for a term. Go in to different schools at different times, individually, not as a team of teachers. Come on in, the water's fine It's all peachy here!
Contact me at this email when you are ready to do some research instead of listening to whimpers, for you insist on writing in the absence of knowing. But if you want, you can continue to remain ignorant and make suggestions that will forever remain in pause mode.
I am, etc.,