The Editor, Sir:
Why doesn't the prime minister's office purchase a duty-free vehicle for the use of the prime minister? Is this something that needs discussion? Is there no standard set of guidelines as to when a new vehicle needs to be purchased for the use of the Office of the Prime Minister?
In the private sector, most companies have rules that state what age or mileage or mecha-nical condition of the current vehicle warrants the purchase of a new vehicle for their executives. Why are we even discussing this? It must be that we seek unnecessary, less important chatter to relieve the stress of the major problems we face.
On other matters, was Sir Howard Cooke not an active lay preacher of his United Church, who made it known at every turn that he was "a sinner saved by grace"? Did it affect his ability to carry out the affairs of state, even as he actively encouraged everyone, government ministers included, to seek God for their personal lives and for wisdom to govern the country? Did he attend every function to which he was invited? Did he attend secular functions on Sunday mornings when he would normally be at church? Did he not preach in churches during his tenure?
Let us get serious about the state of our country and get down in sackcloth and ashes for the sins of this nation against God and our fellowmen.
The ultimate disrespect and human rights violation is murder, for which hardly anyone is being held accountable in this land. It is such a common occurrence now that it doesn't even matter who is next anymore.
Poverty and decadence
Our political representatives have, by years of accepting violence as the status quo for gaining and retaining power, destroyed their moral compass and have lost their ability to govern effectively. They turn to the Church for help, but do not want to do righteousness, which is the only thing that will lift this nation from poverty and decadence.
We are tired of the talk and the bad behaviour in Parliament. These are people whose first responsibility is to craft the nation for future generations by the laws they make. An unrighteous person cannot make righteous laws. It is that simple. Until they come clean about the blood and corrupt practices in which they have engaged individually and collectively and by their confession, be ready to face the consequences and make a clean break, they know they are only 'liars that will not be believed even when they speak the truth'.
A fresh start is just that! Make a break with the past by coming clean. Rwanda has made a fresh start by providing village councils to allow people who have done unspeakable evil to make a fresh start and heal their land. Jamaica will only heal and begin to progress when the deep wounds of murder, vileness and violence which have violated the sanctity of human life and left us paralysed by fear and inaction in this country is excised by confession and repentance.
I am, etc.,
Hands Across Jamaica
For Righteousness
Kingston 5