I have wrestled with this thought for some time and I believe it is appropriate to share the resultant reflection with your readers at this juncture. The words of the former president of the Kingston College Old Boys' Association, Dr Winston Davidson, rekindled these dormant thoughts, when he said (according to The Gleaner of January 23) "With behaviour like that, those boys can't continue in the school. They should be expelled forthwith." This was said in reference to the incident at Kingston College where a teacher was beaten by students of the school.
I don't know what gives children the power or the temerity to carry out brazen actions like that, nor will I be able to fathom the reason for other children to join in, when one is doing wrong. When I was growing up, I must admit, there were children who took a step beyond their rightful place, but always there was someone to pull them back in line. I believe the children, being a product of the society, are just painting the portrait of their time. They are fed violence on a daily basis.
Children should never be expelled from school. If they are under the age of 14 when they commit an atrocity, they should be taken to another school environment where strict attention is paid to their particular area of concern. As soon as they become satisfactorily reformed, they should then be returned to the regular school system. If they are old enough to be tried in a criminal court, then, they should pay the penalty for their deed. They should however be allowed, and facilities should be provided, for them to complete their education.
Expelling children helps no one. It particularly does not help the child. I believe that school is about helping students to excel in life, and that ejecting a student is counterproductive in this regard. These children are already misguided. We cannot afford to augment this undesirable condition.
When we excommunicate our children we are sending them into the waiting arms of the perpetrators of criminality.
I am, etc.,
Brooklyn, New York