Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | February 2, 2009
Home : Letters

LETTER OF THE DAY - What is Air Jamaica's value to Jamaica
The Editor, Sir: I cannot help but wonder what is playing out at Air Jamaica. It seems that over the last few years, CEO after CEO and chairman after chairman have failed. Being a Jamaican and a businessman, I have a few questions for both the minister with responsibility...

Questions for Air Jamaica
The Editor, Sir:Please get Air Jamaica's management to answer the following questions and others as may be required: 1. What were the fees paid for late arrivals in Miami?

Media failing to uphold morals
The Editor, Sir: I know that the reggae dancehall artistes can be more responsible for the types of songs they are singing. Producers are accountable for the derogatory music they are putting in the public domain.

How the Church fails its converts
The Editor, Sir: In light of the controversial death of gospel artiste 'Moses', I feel compelled to comment on the approach of the Church towards converts as well as society's expectations of public figures, especially religious ones.

Moses' death - a signal to Church
The Editor, Sir: The horrible death on Tuesday, January 27, of gospel deejay Kassim 'Moses' Grant and the surrounding circumstances are sad developments for the Jamaican gospel music fraternity and the Christian church islandwide.As we offer condolences...

Celebrating Reggae Month
The Editor, Sir: There is no questioning of the fact that reggae, more than any other Jamaican product or institution, has lead the way in creating worldwide recognition for Jamaica. The Recording Industry Association of Jamaica/RIAJam ...

Air Jamaica proposal not practical
The Editor, Sir: The suggestion from the economics students of St Catherine High that the Government should offer Air Jamaica shares to Jamaicans does not address the airline's fundamental problem - mismanagement.

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