Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 12, 2009
Home : In Focus

Thumbing your nose, Mrs Robinson?
For the first time since 1944, the integrity of the composition of our legislature, in particular, the legitimacy of the Government is seriously in question.

Obama's nuclear-free thrust
In a speech long overdue by a United States (US) president and one which has delighted disarmament advocates, Barack Obama has committed his country to leading a thrust toward a nuclear-free world, almost 65 years after American nuclear weapons were...

Business sector and the stimulus package
In last Wednesday's article, CaPRI began to estimate the cost of the stimulus package which Prime Minister Bruce Golding announced in December of last year.

Easter Letter to the nation - Jamaicans and the power of the Resurrection
The Resurrection of Jesus has a message for Jamaican people, because He offers His sovereignty over the present and future lives of people. For Jesus to be the resurrection and the life means that physical death has no power over believers; their future is determined by their faith in Jesus, not by their death.

Dying and rising again?
It is that time of year again when assorted people - some claiming to be scholars - trot out the repeatedly debunked 'dying and rising gods/saviours' thesis.

G-20 bailout and Ja's emergency
The G-20 (or London Conference) made headlines last week by announcing a global stimulus package of US$1.1 trillion for economies around the world at its meeting on April 2.

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