Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | April 13, 2009
Home : Flair
ON MY MIND - Response to Miss Divine and homosexuality

I am writing in response to the rantings of 'Miss Divine' in last week's Flair about the decision of the homosexual community to boycott the island. There are many elements of her argument that cause me distress.

The most striking is her failure to recognise that Jamaica is not homogeneous and that generalisations about the nature of our society and the way our people see the world are limited and not truly representative of the actual state of affairs. Yes, it may be true that most Jamaicans are opposed to homosexuality (and all this is within their right).

This minority

But the minority, too, have rights. And this minority is no less Jamaican than the majority! It is an unjust, inhumane and dangerous thing for any society to subordinate its dissenting voices to the will and preferences of a majority.

'Miss Divine's' problem of overgeneralisations continues when she suggests that "We are simply standing up for what 'we' believe in, which is in accordance with the Bible." What exactly do we believe in? And more importantly, who are 'we'? It is well documented that there exists no consensus on some issues within Christianity.

I am not trying to argue that there are Christian groups that condone homosexuality. I am simply saying that it is impossible for our passionate 'Miss Divine' to determine how all Christians respond to the issue pertaining to homosexuality.

Picking and choosing

It seems to me that 'Miss Divine' and many Jamaicans may be guilty of picking and choosing when it comes to which sins they classify as stomach-turners.

But, who am I to judge? I am simply a lowly sinner like you 'Miss Divine' and, thankfully for you, I also believe that the rights of simple-minded folk ought to be protected.

Proud Jamaican

Respond to: lifestyle@gleaner jm.com.

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