Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | April 13, 2009
Home : Lead Stories
HIV/AIDS fight gets $576m boost
The Ministry of Health's efforts to enhance universal access to treatment, care, and preventative measures for persons living with HIV/AIDS have been boosted by the $576 million allocated in the 2009/10 Estimates of Expenditure.

The project, funded by a grant from the Global Fund, aims to strengthen multisector response to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Jamaica by consolidating existing gains while advancing specific undertakings.

These undertakings include a reduction in the transmission of new HIV infections and mitigating the impact of the epidemic; providing universal access to antiretroviral treatment, care, and support; empowering individuals to make healthy choices; and implementation of the necessary national and workplace policies.

The allocation is a significant increase in funding since the implementation of the project in April 2008.

Up to February this year, the project has covered the development of draft regulations on occupational safety and health; the tabling of a National Workplace Policy Green Paper; the staging of peer counselling workshops in inner-city communities; the training of 671 teachers in Health and Family Life Education (HFLE), which is ongoing in some 477 schools, as well as the training of 1,738 students in HFLE.

Additionally, prevention activities have been staged, targeting some 4,736 adolescents and 3,214 adults, while 378 adults and 205 adolescents have received HIV testing and counselling.

It is anticipated that for 2009/10, the project will see an increase from five per cent to 20 per cent in the number of schools having at least one teacher trained in HFLE.

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