Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | July 29, 2009
Home : Letters
LETTER OF THE DAY - Steps to alleviate illiteracy


Over the past several weeks, every Dick, Tom and Harry has been commenting on our education system. The minister is anxious to see results and has come up with the idea that performance contracts for primary school principals is the way to achieve full literacy by 2015. I have no problem with performance contracts, but the objectives and measurable goals must be realistic.

We need to begin by a careful examination of the cause of illiteracy and I don't think poor administration is the main culprit. If I were to suggest some steps in alleviating this problem, I would say:

1. Ensure that children are in school every school day. This might mean incentives for them to come to school or/and sanctions for absence. Parents will need to be convinced of the need for regular attendance.

2. Provide adequate resources for the development of literacy, i.e., books, games and technological devices.

3. Ensure that teachers have the specific skills for this task. If the general training in our teachers' colleges is not enough, then training specific to the problem should be provided. There should be a senior teacher who is a specialist in this area, who could guide the programme.

4. The focus on grade four is misplaced. By then the horse has gone through the gate. It should be on every grade. Teachers will need a battery of tests for formative evaluation all along the way.

5. Accountability of all involved is desirable, not just of the principal.

Clearly, the cost of this programme cannot be met from current funding of our schools. Also, some preparation needs to be done. The time has come for less talk and some action.

I am, etc.,

Astley Hibbert


Kingston 19

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