LETTER OF THE DAY - Tough times call for tough measures
The Editor, Sir: The effect of the global crisis is worsening the social and economic crisis that our nation has been experiencing over the years. This reality, coupled with the imminent return to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is signalling to the nation that it cannot be business as usual.
While Peter Espeut's article, Caribbean odyssey (October 16), was very interesting for those of us committed to the CARICOM idea, and while he was at pains to point out trivial but real drawbacks, he left out a fundamental problem with the whole concept of CARICOM.
Concerns over format of NWC bills
The Editor, Sir: I am writing to highlight a concern with the new format of the National Water Commission bills and their apparent attempt to gather more revenue.
Powerful lobby blocking railway project
The Editor, Sir: I read with interest an article in Thursday's Gleaner in which Minister Mike Henry promised to have the trains running again by next year. I remember working with a potential foreign investor on a due diligence study to reintroduce rail transport some 14 years ago.
Make prisons profitable enterprises
The Editor, Sir: I don't know how much it costs the taxpayers of this country to feed prisoners, patients in hospitals, infirmaries, places of safety and students in schools. I suspect however that this figure might be in the hundreds of millions if not billions.