Would an applicant need to appear in person in order to apply for a passport?
First-time applicants should appear in person when applying for a passport. In the case of a minor (person under 18 years of age), the parent or legal guardian should complete the relevant sections of the application form. The child is also required to appear in person for all applications, whether it is a first-time application or a renewal.
The only exceptions are children under the age of three years. Persons who are renewing a passport that was issued when the applicant was a minor, will also need to appear in person. Persons living outside of Kingston may attend the immigration office in their parish to have their documents pre-checked, prior to submitting it to the PICA office.
Persons who are renewing their document need not appear in person, and may send their old passport along with a bearer, who would be required to produce a letter of authorisation to collect the passport. However, PICA reserves the right to ask an applicant to appear in person for an interview to support his or her passport application.
How does a married or divorced woman change her name on her passport?
A woman who is or has been married, and is applying for a passport in her married name, must present a certified copy of her marriage certificate (issued by the Registrar General's Department or the State in the case of persons married overseas) whether she is applying for the first time or is renewing her document. Women who are divorced may present a decree absolute (the final judgment) in lieu of a marriage certificate.
Please note that married, widowed or divorced women who wish to apply for a passport in their maiden name are not required to present a marriage certificate.
I reside in Canada and my Jamaican passport needs to be renewed. Is it okay to send my passport to the island with a relative to do the renewal on my behalf?
Persons residing overseas are required to submit their passport applications to the nearest Jamaican consulate. The Jamaican passport is a secure document and remains the property of the Government of Jamaica. It is not advisable to send the documents to a relative in Jamaica, as the passport will be confiscated. If your passport is confiscated, we will issue a letter to the bearer advising you to contact the nearest Jamaican consulate.
To renew your document, simply take it in to the nearest consulate or mission office, along with the required documents and two passport-size photographs. The application, along with the expired passport, is then sent to Jamaica for processing. The passports are then sent to the relevant mission for transmission to you. Generally, the processing of application form overseas takes 20 working days.
PICA Corner is a collaboration between The Gleaner and the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency. Send questions, comments and suggestions to editor@gleanerjm.com and PICA will respond.