Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | February 11, 2010
Home : Sport
JIIC to host Champs 100 hospitality room
The Jamaica International Insurance Company (JIIC), will play host to the sponsor's hospitality room for the ISSA/Grace Kennedy Boys and Girls' Champs next month.

The room, which is reserved for the sponsors, organisers along with their specially invited guests, will be JIIC's main responsibility for the highly anticipated meet.

JIIC, a subsidiary of GraceKennedy, is one of the GK brands that is associated with the parent company's sponsorship of centenary Boys & Girls Championship 2010.

Brand development

Elizabeth Chung, marketing manager at JIIC, shared, "all of us as subsidiaries leverage our relationship with our parent company in enhancing the development of our respective brands. We are your insurance place from GraceKennedy."

"GraceKennedy is well known and respected in Jamaica and across the region; much of our success is attributable to that. We are a family of companies and so when GraceKennedy takes on an initiative especially one of the magnitude and prestige of Boys and Girls' Champs, we all commit our support in whatever form, in ensuring the highest level of success," she explained.

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