Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | November 9, 2008
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Lovers in the White House: A Jamaican tells of the softer side of the Obamas
'I love you' is what Barack Obama seem to whisper to his wife Michelle.
Lovelette Brooks, News Editor

LAWYER, CHICAGO city administrator, community outreach worker and executive director ... monikers by which Michelle Obama, wife of president-elect of the United States of America, Barack Obama, and mom to two adorable girls - Malia, 10, and Sasha, seven, is known.

On January 20, 2009, when her husband is sworn into government, she will add First Lady to that list, and the world can't seem to devour enough of this family.

Television honcho and general manager of the RJR Communications Group, Kay Osborne is well acquainted with the Obamas.

Inevitable meeting

"I first met president-elect Obama about 10 years ago at a social event in Chicago where I lived at the time and Barack was an Illinois Senator. Our meeting was inevitable as our social circles interacted. I met his wife Michelle a few months later when my family and I attended a small gathering at the Obamas' Hyde Park home", Osborne tells The Sunday Gleaner.

She describes her friendship with president-elect Obama as more than an acquaintance and less than a close friend.

"We liked each other, always hugged and talked when we met. My family and I attended informal get-together at the Obamas, spent time just hanging out, talking, eating, arguing, laughing, just being real."

Osborne says she admired many things about the couple, their love for each other, their devotion to each other and the ease with which they relate to each other.

"I got the sense that they loved each other, there was a great deal of affection and respect in their interactions. It was clear that he adored her and that he was her man. He touched her with great gentleness.

"I recall once when I and a couple of other women were chatting with a very pregnant Michelle at a small gathering at their kitchen. Barack walked up behind Michelle and put his arm around her waist and stroked her belly.

"Michelle looked up at him, their eyes locked, they kissed briefly and Michelle continued the conversation. I recall thinking at the time that this man was absolutely in love with this woman and this was totally cool."

It is now an open secret how Michelle and Barack met. Osborne got it from the lovers' mouths, and eagerly shares.

his mentor

"After graduating from Harvard, Michelle Robinson accepted a position at a powerful, Chicago law firm and in 1989 she was asked to mentor a Harvard summer recruit named Barack Obama.

"Reports are that Barack wasn't much interested in corporate law but almost immediately started asking Michelle to go out with him. Michelle refused, saying that it was tacky for the two black lawyers in the predominantly white law firm to be dating.

"Barack's persistence and charm wore her down. Reports are that their first date was to watch Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. CNN reported that Michelle asked her brother to check out Barack before she decided to become involved with him and that her brother felt that a man's character is readable on a basketball court so he played basketball with Barack and reported back to Michelle. Barack scored big," says Osborne.

Barack is always referring to Michelle as "The love of my love life" and "my rock", very telling statements that have bonding written all over them. However, many may ask what does his choice of an African-American partner say about him, given the trend of successful blacks to marry either white or light skinned women?

Osborne gives her views.

"The phenomena of black men who aspire to be successful or who are successful or powerful mostly choosing light skinned women as spouses, girlfriends and life partners is widespread in Jamaica and in the USA. There's Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, Eddie Murphy, Taye Diggs, the list goes on and on.

"In fact, part of my intrigue with the Obamas was the recognition that Barack rejected the stereotypical trophy partner ideal and instead chose Michelle, turning the colour shading template on its head.

According to Osborne, when Michelle was asked what made her fall in love with Barack, its reported that she said, "for the same reason many other people respect him, his connection with people."

Osborne continues: "I can attest to the fact that Barack has the special ability to connect with you. When he speaks with you, he makes you feel like he has all the time in the world, that he really hears and understands what you say and that he's completely engaged with you alone, at least during the conversation.


"I've seen Barack look to Michelle for a signal that she agrees or disagrees with this or that. He and Michelle value each other's opinion. This kind of engagement is the basis on which lasting bonds are built."

Is Michelle jealous given her husband's high profile and good looks? No, Osborne doesn't think so.

"Michelle said recently that she's not at all concerned about her husband straying and that should he do so, their bond wouldn't have been very deep and strong. The fact is, that women of all known hue will throw themselves at Barack, that's just the way it will be," relates Osborne. "I'm sure this has happened in the past. It seems to me that the Obamas are committed to their marriage and to being a highly functional family. Like well thinking people everywhere, I pray that their union remains intact," Osborne adds.

Will Michelle change the stereotypical image of First Lady? In Osborne's view, she is the first modern, post-feminist woman to become America's First Lady. She is smart, educated, articulate, independent, attractive, accessible, sassy and confident, she says adding that above all, she is psychologically healthy.

'first mom'

Says Osborne: "She said that her priority in the White House will be "first mom" as her children come first. I think that each of these characteristics will shape her image over time and that it is her realness rather than her image that will be her lasting legacy. Her realness includes her dark, dark skin, broad hips, big feet, big ole eyes that adore her husband. A part of her First Lady legacy will be that children who look like Michelle will look in the mirror and see beauty, intellect, achievement, confidence, and the possibilities in what's the essential Michelle Obama."

As for their continued hot romance, Osborne, like Whoopie Goldberg, feels that the "Obamas will bring back wonderful, joyous sex to the White House."

"I believe this to be true. My hope is that despite her age, Michelle will conceive in the White House. I think that its inevitable that their new roles will impact on their family life, but they're committed to their relationship and so I think they'll work it out the best way they can," says Osborne.

In this January 3, file photo, now President-elect Barack Obama, smiles at supporters at a caucus rally. Surrounding him is wife Michelle (right), and daughters Malia and Sasha - FILE

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