Letter of the day: So many ahead of US achievement
President-elect Barack Obama carries his bag as he arrives for a meeting in Chicago, Illinois, last Wednesday, a day after his historic election to the presidency of the United States of America.
Pulling out all the stops
The Editor, Sir:'Yes! He did' proclaimed The Gleaner's headline dated November 5, and wow, did he do it! I speak of none other than Barack Obama, who has proven once again that anything is indeed possible.
Morality is the pilot of realism
The Editor, Sir:OUR JAMAICAN society seems to be losing its moral high ground by replacing morals with ignorance and replacing beliefs with lack of awareness.
Obama and socialism
The Editor, Sir: READ The Gleaner article titled 'Floridians link Obama with Manley socialism' with great interest, especially since Mr Donaldson and Mr Williams seem to live in Florida, USA.