I enjoyed reading the insightful piece 'Waiting for mea culpa - Why the PNP needs a catharsis', written by Claude Clarke and shared with your readers in your Sunday, January 18 edition.
Among the things he stated is that the People's National Party (PNP) "has become impatient with the introspection and reflection it so badly needs and has been unwilling to carry out the critical review of its past stewardship before it offers itself to the electorate again ... the people will demand and deserve nothing short of a catharsis by the PNP before they will entrust it with power again."
It is my humble opinion that it is not too late for the Meeks Report to be revisited and its recommendations applied so that the PNP and its affiliates at home and abroad (not just Mrs Portia Simpson Miller) can effect that 'catharsis'.
This requires a sense of responsibility and commitment from all members and supporters of the PNP. Such application will lay the basis for the "platform of reform" that "remains pertinent" for the development of the economic and social structures required for Jamaica's advancement. We can do it. We must do it.
I am, etc.,