LETTER OF THE DAY - Meaningless and misleading analysis of schools
The Editor, Sir: In your editorial of January 14, entitled 'Pay teachers for what they produce', you continue to push for performance-based pay for teachers.Any attempt to use what you refer to as the 'accepted measures for educational outcomes' under the present system ...
Before Obama, there was Russwurm
The Editor, Sir: In last Friday's edition you observed the rise of Barack Obama by proudly recording some outstanding 'firsts' accomplished by black persons in the United States. One important omission was the name of Jamaican-born John B. Russwurm ...
Not just Portia's job
The Editor, Sir: I enjoyed reading the insightful piece 'Waiting for mea culpa - Why the PNP needs a catharsis', written by Claude Clarke and shared with your readers in your Sunday, January 18 edition.Among the things he stated is that the People's...
Seeing downtown Kingston as a heritage resource
The Editor, Sir: There has been talk about the redevelopment of down-town Kingston, with a lot of the focus on the Government's decision to redo the parliament buildings - next door to the existing structure and not in National Heroes Park, as many...
A compromise on values
The Editor, Sir: The office of governor general is indeed a high one to which any law-abiding Jamaican would aspire. However, it is my view that for Christians, the call of acceptance to such a noble office cannot be taken lightly...
Futile coffee farmers' protest
The Editor, Sir: Non-Blue Mountain coffee production has fallen precipitously over the last eight years from between 350,000 and 380,000 boxes annually, to around 50,000 to 60,000 boxes in the 2007-2008 crop year.
New, dangerous practice by 'ductors
The Editor, Sir: I would like to bring to the wider public's attention the madness and dangerous behaviour of some conductors on public transportation vehicles, operating in the Corporate Area and Spanish Town, and the effect this is having on...