Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | January 19, 2009
Home : Letters
A compromise on values
The Editor, Sir:

The office of governor general is indeed a high one to which any law-abiding Jamaican would aspire. However, it is my view that for Christians, the call of acceptance to such a noble office cannot be taken lightly, and must be done after much deliberation with God.

Members of the Adventist denomination have come out in great numbers since the announcement to explain why one of their leaders, Dr Patrick Allen, is the ideal man for the job, and while that might be so, if he were an 'ordinary man', it cannot be so once he's identified with the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible states: "Wherefore, come out from among them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean things and I will receive you". - 2 Corinthians 6 vs 16-18. Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying that Jamaica is unclean, but the work of God and the work of the world is different.

So often we forget the big picture and we, on our way to elevation, forget that we are to be different and that not all the accolades that come our way should be accepted.

Sunset to sunset

My understanding of the Adventist faith is that, like the scripture where the laws were given and held in high regard where nothing is done from sunset to sunset, so is their faith. So how can they now come out to say: 'O the state will do no official functions on a Friday evening'?

But it's not only about that. There are other things that will infringe upon his Christian faith. And, peradventure something comes up on more than one occasion for a function for those days, what then? They say others will be asked; if that is already considered why not let one of those others be the next GG? Wouldn't this new GG (i.e. Dr Allen) be short-changing the nation from the inception, having thought this way?

Dr Allen, accept if you so desire, but don't come after so many years of preaching one thing and being elevated to president of the West Indies Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to compromise the very essence of the faith, because you want to accept an offer too good to refuse.

I am, etc.,



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