WHY IS it that grade 11 students in some secondary schools are not being registered for English language and mathematics?
Is it that the Government is not paying for both subjects?
Many of the secondary schools in the country are not recommen-ding students to sit these exams if they do not achieve a certain average, because they are afraid of receiving a certain ranking among other schools in the country.
SCENARIO: Alisa and Andrew are students of two separate high schools in the country. Alisa attends school A, while Andrew attends school B. Alisa received a 45 per cent average in mathematics and a 56 per cent average in English language for the two-year period (September of grade 10 to October of grade 11). Andrew received a 43 per cent average in mathematics and a 50 per cent average in English language for the two-year period (September of grade 10 to October of grade 11).
Selfish reason
Andrew is, however, allowed to sit both examinations in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) while Alisa cannot.
It is unfair to Alisa because both subjects are being provided free of cost but because of her school's selfish reasons, she is not able to sit any of these subjects although they are free.
BELIEF: I believe that this type of system in some secondary high schools is very unfair to both parents and students. These schools should allow all grade 11 students to sit both mathematics and English language, regardless of their academic performances in class.
I am, etc.,
Shawn Richards
Kingston 6