Mr Beckford's letter (Ques-tions about diaspora representation - March 30) reminds me of an advert showing a bridge being built from both sides of a river, but ending up yards out of sink. The caption read, "Ever wish you were more informed?"
Understandably, there is a view that Jamaicans abroad should stay there, keep our noses out of Jamaican politics - though keep sending the remittances or come back (eventually) with a sizeable pension. There is also another view that Jamaicans abroad not only love Jamaica for its sunshine, beauty and relaxed 'soon-come' cultural lifestyle, but that we actually have strong sentimental ties to our families and friends, to our parishes and communities, and that our contributions to Jamaica are indeed our unstilted payback for having been born Jamaican.
Sentimental ties
And so, Mr Beckford has got it all wrong! No informed Jamaican is suggesting that Jamaicans abroad elect anyone to the Parliament of Jamaica. Instead, Jamaicans abroad feel that in the process of 'giving something back', the Jamaican Government should enable structures for these to happen.
In aiming to do so, certain principles have already been clarified: such as that Jamaicans abroad are equally Jamaicans, though unregistered in Jamaica for purposes of parliamentary elections; and that if Jamaicans in the diaspora were willing and skilful enough to organise ourselves along the line of our common interests and valued resources, a formal structure could be put in place to enable us to effectively and appropriately make enhanced personal and collective contributions to our beloved island and people.
And so, the idea of an appointed Jamaica-elected politician responsible for enabling this process is what the suggestion of a responsible senator representing the interests of the Jamaican diaspora is about - not for that person to be elected by Jamaicans in diaspora, even if constitutional change was desirable or possible.
I am, etc.,
Basil Hylton
United Kingdom