The Editor, Sir:
The positive article that The Gleaner highlighted on Monday regarding Noel and Lloyd McKay and their pig and cattle farming is refreshing. I look forward to reading more articles like this.
People have to understand that you reap what you sow and these brothers are reaping the fruits of their labour for their families and themselves.
Many people want to say life is tough in Jamaica. Yes, it is, but show me where on this earth that life is not tough. There are many who believe in the get-rich-quick mentality, but although you might get rich and quick, many do not even live long to enjoy it.
People today are so caught up with soap operas, which suggest that things are done with the snap of a finger, that you wake up and breakfast of bacon and eggs with toast and freshly squeezed orange juice is made and served while you are in bed.
But no one seem to consider who rears the pigs and chickens that produce the bacon and eggs, or who plant and till the ground that produces the wheat to make the flour that makes the bread.
This is the reality of life. Many want to live and spend money but they do not want to do an honest, dirty job in order to obtain that cash.
As a nurse, I have to do dirty jobs also. It's no fun or there is nothing pleasant about giving enemas, cleaning vomit or getting stool samples but that's a part of the territory and someone has to do it.
It all boils down to each individual and what he or she desires out of life, either to make an honest living, even if the job is dirty or to make a fool of oneself by getting caught up in fantasy instead of reality .
I am etc.,
Marai Buchanan
Florida, USA