Much has been said about the global energy crisis, and a great deal of money, time and talent is being directed at the world's need for more energy.
Less appreciated, however, is the fact that on a personal level most of us are also battling with our own energy crises.
Medical research indicates that the most common complaint of patients visiting their doctor is that of fatigue or low energy levels. As we look for more energy-efficient cars, what about us becoming more energy-efficient human beings?
The human body is constructed of trillions of tiny units called cells.
Within each cell, thousands of complex electro-chemical processes occur every second to maintain this incredible phenomenon called life.
Indeed, the Psalmist wrote truthfully when he declared, "we are fearfully and wonderfully made".
But all these processes require energy and each cell has its own little energy factories called mitochondria, constantly working to create the energy to sustain life.
The three most important elements that the cells require for creating energy are:
Oxygen - This is the most important energy ingredient for our cells. The mitochondria need oxygen to create energy and the lack of oxygen can cause fatigue and prevent the cells from functioning well. If deprived of oxygen, cells begin to die within minutes. To maintain healthy levels of oxygen, you need to avoid stale, polluted air, do not smoke and regularly practise deep-breathing exercises.
Water - The second most important element for cells. While the body can live without oxygen for only a few minutes, it can live without water for a few days. The body is made up of about 70 per cent water, making it its most common nutrient.
Water is the major transport medium in the body and is essential for cellular function. Dehydration rapidly produces energy loss and fatigue. To prevent dehydration drink half an ounce of water per day for each pound of bodyweight. Your requirement however may vary depending on your environment, your diet and your level of physical activity.
Healthy food - This is the third most important ingredient for cellular energy because it is the food that is burnt by oxygen to produce energy. While the body can survive without water and oxygen for minutes and days, it can survive for weeks without food.
The cells need a balanced supply of all the necessary nutrients for the mitochondria to produce energy optimally.
Despite these simple requirements for energy, man has found a variety of ways to deplete his/her energies.
I call them energy vampires because they suck your energy.
Poor nutrition depletes your energy. The modern diet is very imbalanced with excesses of the unhealthy stuff like sugar and unhealthy fats while deficient in vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.
Chronic stress puts the whole system into what psychologists call the flight or fight reaction - designed to help fight for one's life or to escape the threat. This emergency state consumes large quantities of energy and is not meant to be sustained for a long time. Long-standing or chronic stress will create such an energy drain that fatigue is a frequent consequence.
Learning how to manage stress and to deal with it in healthy ways is critical to energy maintenance. Adequate amounts of sleep, rest and relaxation are important for good stress management.
Inadequate exercise: Too much or too little exercise will create an energy disturbance. Exercise that is intensive enough to stimulate the metabolism, enhance the circulation and elevate your mood is good.
Too much exercise, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect and drain energy. Research suggests that the intensity of your exercise is more important than the length of time spent exercising.
In addition to breathing deeply, drinking lots of water, eating well, exercising regularly and managing stress, there are also a number of energy enhancers.
The cellular nutrition programme - designed to give the cells all the nutrients they need.
Green tea - with a rich supply of powerful antioxidant energy enhancers
Guarana - a South American herb that has been used for centuries to ward off fatigue and promote concentration and memory.
Siberian ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that helps the body cope with stress and enhances physical strength. It improves sexual energy by raising the levels of free testosterone in the blood.
Underlying causes
It must also be remembered that a low energy level is a symptom, not a disease in itself. There are many possible underlying causes for fatigue apart from the common lifestyle ones discussed above.
This includes many health problems such as anaemia, heart and circulatory disorders, lung, kidney and liver disease, hormone imbalances, cancer, immune-system disorders and metabolic problems like diabetes.
One particular troublesome energy disorder is the chronic-fatigue syndrome, a problem of severe lethargy often associated with chronic pain and depression.
It is important to remember that when unexplained tiredness persists, you should consult your health care provider for a detailed evaluation of the underlying cause.
Your energy is an important asset. Conserve it.
You may email Dr Vendryes at, or listen to An Ounce of Prevention on POWER 106FM on Fridays at 8 p.m.