Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 12, 2009
Home : Letters
Unreasonable public servants
The Editor, Sir: As a civil servant, I find the manner in which my fellow civil servants are behaving to the prime minister's request for a wage freeze as a result of the economic crisis as unreasonable. Surely, this is a global epidemic and the person's who we believe to be the intellectuals are certainly behaving as if "worms have infested their brains" or is it a case where they are just heartless, selfish and unreasonable! Yes teachers, there are other civil servants who have rent, mortgage, motor vehicle loans and children attending schools just like you. Yet, we are willing to band our bellies for a while so our brothers and sisters can have a job and keep a roof over their heads.

The Bible tells us to love our neighbours but clearly all you are thinking about is the next dollar in your pockets. Mr Prime Minister, I wish to God you would do to those who resort to 'sick out' as was done to some prison wardens a couple years ago - send them home. Trade unionists should not incite this kind of behaviour or the direction in which our teachers and nurses are being led. Is it that you just want to be seen on television? Stop seeking attention and fame for yourselves!

I am sure that should a poll be done, you would find that most persons are in agreement with the prime minister's proposal. Golding is the driver of this bus and although we are a democratic country, he must do what is best for the majority. The majority would prefer to have a job than to be jobless and homeless. Beware the wicked and heartless who seek only for themselves.

Heartless and cruel

Teachers, are these the values you are instilling in our children? Are you teaching them to have no regard for their classmates? No wonder they are killing each other and our nation is becoming more and more heartless and cruel. Then you have the audacity to blame the parents and society, What about you!?

I am, etc.,



St Mary

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