LETTER OF THE DAY - Tax parity vs salary charity
The Editor, Sir:If indeed imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then the surviving members of the often vilified People's National Party (PNP) administration of the 1970s must now finally be feeling some sense of vindication ...
Gleaner history and the hazards of Hansard
The Editor, Sir: I read with much interest in The Sunday Gleaner of April 5, the article on the reporting and reproduction of proceedings of Parliament, popularly referred to as 'Hansard', and I wish to congratulate the team of Government-appointed...
Who should benefit?
The Editor, Sir:'To have gone boldly where no man has ever gone before' is a statement that I would use to describe the move by the prime minister to take a pay cut. To take a pay cut and to ask the Cabinet to fall in line is a big task...
Dictatorial PM?
The Editor, Sir: Prime Minister Bruce Golding's retort to the trade unions' response to the wage freeze is worrisome. As leader of this country, does he realise that by using a dictatorial style of leadership ...
Energy costs on alumina production
The Editor, Sir: Donald Chung, in his April 4 letter, made a very valid point on nuclear energy and re-echoes a point made ad nauseam in this newspaper. The experts can check to ascertain the costs...
Are 'schoolers' being overtrained?
The Editor, Sir: I, like many Jamaicans, was amazed at the abundance of talent on show at the recent ISSA/Grace Kennedy Boys and Girls' Track and Field Championships. Radio and TV commentators were at pains to point out ...
'Kingston Club' a non-starter
The Editor, Sir: Three years ago, a cardiologist made a deal with a pacemaker company who agreed to supply free pacemakers to patients in Jamaica. The only requirement: the cardiologist would be required to train other cardiologists.