Three years ago, a cardiologist made a deal with a pacemaker company who agreed to supply free pacemakers to patients in Jamaica. The only requirement: the cardiologist would be required to train other cardiologists. The programme would have been a win-win for everyone. The patients would get a free pacemaker, other cardiologists would be trained, the company would get greater exposure and the cardiologist who initiated the programme would satisfy his civic duty to his home country. It all sounds good. The problem is, it never happened.
In order to insert pacemakers, you need access to a surgical suite. The person in charge of the only available suite at a public hospital in Jamaica demanded that he be paid to make it available. No one was willing to comply, hence the programme died an unfortunate death. So what does the "national debt squeeze" have to do with pacemakers? In a word: corruption.
Scandals of every nature
Over the last 25 years, the country has seen scandals of every nature involving our elected leaders - free light bulbs that were not so free; bribes of every description; politicians associating with drug dealers and other criminals; and the list goes on. Why would anyone who lent money to the Government agree to any write-off when it's so obvious why the squeeze exists in the first place?
Instead of debt relief as proposed by the UNDP Representative in Jamaica via a 'Kingston Club', what about relief from corruption, crooks, criminals and clearly one of the highest murder rates in the world? Would it be too much to ask for a competent, well-equipped police force not hampered by corrupt politicians, an efficient health-care system and an educational system that really prepares our children to face the challenges of the 21st century?
Debt relief
Before we can talk about debt relief, there has to be effort on the part of the Government to secure its citizens and rid the country of corrupt practices in both the private and public sectors.
Having achieved this new level of security, the next step is improving the country's infrastructure. This should begin with the transportation system, which should encompass both trains and buses. The new system should be centrally owned as a quasi-government entity and should have as its mandate the ability to move from one end of the island to the next within three hours. Building the new system would create thousands of jobs, lower housing cost, improve movement of goods and raise the standard of living. This could be achieved in five years.
The electrical system could also use improvement. There currently exists three or four sites in Jamaica where geothermal energy could be harnessed to provide electrical power. This is free, does not require foreign petroleum, green and inexhaustible, at least for the foreseeable future. Why successive governments have not researched and developed these geological oddities remains a mystery.
Job creation
Investments and job creation are clearly better than begging for debt relief. The agricultural sector has been hampered for years by praedial larceny. In addition, the banana industry is a waste of time. The economics of the industry have been thoroughly examined and it is most definitely not profitable for the farmers. The sugar industry is in the same boat.
The list of our resources that remains unexploited is shameful. The problem is we have been lulled into a sense of always asking someone else to solve our problems. Recently, the minister of labour remarked that we should get some of the jobs that the new United States President hopes to generate. Remittances, debt relief and foreign aid are all temporary fixes, but when will be begin to stand on our own feet?
I am, etc.,
Plantation, Florida
Over the last 25 years, the country has seen scandals of every nature involving our elected leaders - free light bulbs that were not so free, bribes of every description; politicians associating with drug dealers and other criminals, and the list goes on.