Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 16, 2009
Home : Profiles in Medicine
Start a green revolution this Christmas

Eulalee Thompson - BE WELL

'Let's have a green, green Christmas.' Say green and start thinking reduce, reuse and recycle. It's all about protecting our fragile environment for yourself and generations yet unborn. Going green this Christmas is in. It's not only eco-friendly and healthy but much cheaper and especially relevant since we are still in a recession.

Thinking eco-friendly brings a fresh, new perspective on life. Know the three Rs — reduce the amount of the Earth's resources that you use; reuse, where possible (don't just throw it away perhaps someone else can make use of it); and recycle things you already have into something new.

If you are creative and good with your hands, you can give hand-made gifts such as items made from wood, a painting by none other than yourself, craft or jewellery which you can put together yourself from items around the house. You can make gifts from items in the kitchen: think of making cakes, jams and jelly or preserves for gifts.

Now don't tell me that I didn't just give you some great, inexpensive and eco-friendly ideas for Christmas.

Eulalee Thompson is health editor and a professional counsellor; email: eulalee.thompson@gleanerjm.com.

Recycle your gift-wrap paper and Christmas decorations.

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