Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 16, 2009
Home : Profiles in Medicine

Feeling depressed at Christmas
The holidays are here again. For many, it is a wonderful time of the year. It's a time for celebration — many of us are busy planning office parties, family visits and other social activities. Expectations are also high. Children are expecting gifts and special friends...

Start a green revolution this Christmas
Recycle your gift-wrap paper and Christmas decorations.greenStart a green revolution this Christmas'Let's have a green, green Christmas.' Say green and start thinking reduce, reuse and recycle.

10 ways to cut calories this Christmas
There are some must-haves on the Christmas menu. Research shows that many people gain at least one pound at this time of year. There are more eating opportunities, high-calorie foods, good company and less structured exercise programmes...

What's the fuss about cholesterol?
Robert returned home a few weeks ago from his family doctor feeling annoyed. He had gone for a routine check-up. He was told that all seemed well, except that he needed to lose 10kg to reach his ideal weight.

Let's try some reflexology
In reflexology, pressure is applied to the feet, hands and ears with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques. It is an ancient healing art practised by the Egyptians thousands of years ago. Reflexology is non-invasive, working simply on the basis...

Here are some Christmas ideas:
1. House-cleaning the green way - Most people give their homes a good scrubbing over the holiday season in preparation for more home entertainment or just to keep up a family tradition. Let in fresh air and send out toxins...

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