Getting that million-dollar smile
Having that perfect smile is very important, especially in attracting the opposite sex. It is not cool to smile and all 32 are laced with plaque or are obviously decayed.
First impressions aside, it may not turn off some men if you have a great body, but for most women...
Kennedy seen as model for re-entry women
NEW YORK (AP):With her pedigree and Park Avenue address, Caroline Kennedy is not exactly the average American woman. But many women identify with her impulse to enter the work force after two decades of child rearing...
What will they wear next?
Okay, if you thought I was a crazy fellow in '08, I've become worse in '09.After looking through photos of the various New Year's Eve parties, I see a bunch of guys dressed to the nines, at least as far as today's fashion is concerned.
LAWS OF EVE - Divorce order set aside
Readers often ask what options are open to them when they discover that a divorce decree has been granted, when no court documents had been served. The person who has not been served may choose to overlook that fact and accept the divorce decree.
Forbidden love
Have you ever had that uneasy feeling of guilt every time you would think of having an affair with a certain person? You really like them and they seem to be your soulmate, but, while it may feel right, it also feels wrong to date and ultimately form ...
FE-MAIL TIES - Flowers of the (R)Evolution
An avid Flair Fe-Mail Ties reader, once chided me for undervaluing the youth of today. Just shy of her 20th birthday, she lamented the fact that I almost always place more value on generations gone by and traditions of old, and more often criticise modernity.
Work and travel overseas
Global Hospitality Network in partnership with Global Choices, their overseas recruiting partner and sister company, are now in the process of recruiting students for the overseas Work and Travel Programme.
Flair Couples
A different spin on love - France Williams and Stacy 'Bubbles' Binns met at Cambridge Secondary School in 1989 but never connected, as he was a 'shy guy'.